Marie Antoinette Riana Graharani, commonly known as The Sacred Riana, is an Indonesian magician and illusionist. She is best known as a bizarre illusionist, who does occasionally break her creepy ghostlike character offstage, but normally does not.
- Born: July 13, 1992 (age 26 years), Jakarta, Indonesia
- Full name: Marie Antoinette Riana Graharani
- Nationality: Indonesian
- Occupation: Magician Illusionist
- Years active: 2012–present
- Parents: Chrisiandy Yuniarto
- Other name: Riana Antoinette
- Alma maters: Sekolah Menengah Atas Santa Ursula, Bunda Mulia University
The amaze thing of Riana is, she is very focused with her act. In the first audition, when Simon press the red button, normal people will react/shocked etc... But Riana didn't. Her expression was flat. That's really awesome.