Mr.Bean Eating in Paris

Mr. Bean is a British sitcom created by Rowan Atkinson and Richard Curtis, produced by Tiger Aspect Productions and starring Atkinson as the title character. The sitcom consisted of 15 episodes that were co-written by Atkinson alongside Curtis and Robin Driscoll; for the pilot, it was co-written by Ben Elton. The series was originally broadcast on ITV, beginning with the pilot on 1 January 1990 and ending with "The Best Bits of Mr. Bean" on 15 December 1995. The fourteenth episode "Hair by Mr. Bean of London", was not broadcast on television until 25 August 2006 on Nickelodeon.

Mr. Bean doesn't speak French, but he is going to eat at a French restaurant. He doesn't know what the food is.....and he's in trouble. While watching, if this were you, and you were in an English speaking country, what could you say to understand the menu items?

Mr Bean bean kills some time in a train station in Paris by having authentic French food.

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