Dan Byrd Quotes

Daniel Byrd is an American actor. His most prominent roles include the 2004 film A Cinderella Story, the 2006 remake of The Hills Have Eyes, the 2010 films Easy A and Norman, and the sitcoms Aliens in America and Cougar Town. 

Dan Byrd Quotes
  • Full Name: Dan Byrd
  • Age: 33 years 7 months
  • Birth Date: November 20, 1985
  • Horoscope: Scorpio
  • Birth Place: Marietta, Georgia, United States
  • Height: 5 feet 9 inches (1.75m)
  • Salary: N/A
  • Net Worth: N/A
  • Ethnicity: N/A
  • Nationality: American
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Eye Color: Dark Brown

 Dan Byrd Quotes

1. The great thing about a name like 'Cougar Town' is that you hear it once and you remember it forever. It's a very 'loud' title. But there's a connection to the word 'cougar' that means a lot of people are going to be turned off right away by the title alone without even giving the show a chance.Dan Byrd
2. The more insight I get, the more scared I get of women in general.Dan Byrd
3. It's hard for me to listen to any actors whine or moan about anything acting-related because look at the world. We really have nothing to complain about. Just to be working is a blessing.Dan Byrd
4. I've heard this before from people: early 20s kind of screws with your head a little bit because you're transitioning into adulthood and actually becoming an adult with responsibilities and paying bills. So all of a sudden, it's like you're responsible now.Dan Byrd
5. I had a pretty untraditional high school experience. I've been acting since I was very young.Dan Byrd
6. My only career strategy is to just not do anything that I have to be completely ashamed of afterwards! Whether it's TV or movies, I feel lucky to be working.Dan Byrd
7. When I was in high school, my parents had this power over me - if I ever lied or got caught doing something that I shouldn't be doing, then I would no longer be able to go to L.A. and continue to pursue the acting thing.Dan Byrd
8. I'm constantly trying to keep people guessing as to what I'm doing, and I will spend enormous amounts of time looking at manuscripts and asking questions, and people will say, 'I know what his next book is about.' Dan Byrd
9. The challenge for a writer looking at history is to figure out what is history and what is myth. After all, what you are looking at is an interpretation of history, and so at some level, it becomes an interpretation of an interpretation. Dan Byrd
10. I spent some time in India and thought I might write about Hinduism. But it's so far removed from my experience I couldn't even get my mind around it to write about it. Dan Byrd
11. I've been through a lot. I've thought a lot about life, and I've spent a lot of time studying history and science. Dan Byrd
12. I'm not going to lie; the most fun of writing these books is just saying, 'Where am I going to write about? Let me go there!'Dan Byrd
13. When I wrote 'The Da Vinci Code,' I told myself that this story of Jesus makes more sense to me than the story I read in the Bible. Dan Byrd
14. We have plenty of technologies we could use to destroy the planet, and we don't. There's more love on this planet than hate; there's more creativity than destructive power. Dan Byrd
15. It's not about what you tell the reader, it's about what you conceal. Dan Byrd
16. I don't really think about genre. I like to write books that I'd love to read myself. Dan Byrd
17. I'm not trying to emulate William Faulkner. I never said I was. Dan Byrd
18. I have great admiration for the fact-checking team. Considering it takes me years to gather all the facts in my books, it's a daunting task for the fact-checkers to review all of that material in a matter of weeks. Dan Byrd
19. I write slowly. I actually write quickly, but I throw out so much material. open_in_new
20. I love to learn, and at some level, there's something to learn from my books. And I love art and philosophy, so there's something philosophical about my fiction. Dan Byrd
21. When I was a kid, the miracles of my life were the Resurrection, a candlelight service on New Year's Eve, the Virgin Birth, and the Three Wise Men. Dan Byrd
22. Nobody has ever convinced me that ancient aliens have visited Earth. Not even close. Dan Byrd
23. I grew up in a very religious household. My mom was a church organist. I was a religious kid. Dan Byrd
24. I'm not a car person. Three years after 'The Da Vinci Code' came out, I still had my old, rusted Volvo. And people are like, 'Why don't you have a Maserati?' It never occurred to me. It wasn't a priority for me. I just didn't care. Dan Byrd
25. I personally believe that our planet would be absolutely fine without religion, and I also feel we are evolving in that direction. Dan Byrd
26. I've always been captivated by the Voynich Manuscript - the mysterious, 15th-century encrypted codex that still baffles cryptologists, linguists, and historians. Dan Byrd
27. Writing is a solitary journey, so I am always excited to go out on book tour and meet readers one-on-one. Dan Byrd
28. Our need for that exterior god that sits up there and judges us... will diminish and eventually disappear. Dan Byrd

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